Blake (Lighthouse Security Investigations Book 5) Page 14
He watched as a slow smile spread across her face, and she dipped her chin as she reached back into the food container.
“Tell me more.” She handed him a protein bar. “More about you.”
He slid off the bench seat, sitting in the bottom of the boat so that he could lean back. Stretching his legs, he rolled his shoulders, then settled in. “I went into the Army after college. I worked my way to becoming a Ranger and then became a Delta.”
She cocked her head to the side and blushed. “I’m embarrassed that I don’t know very much about that at all, other than what I see in the news. I know they only take the best of the best, and the physical training is really hard.”
“It was, but I had the opportunity to work with some of the smartest and bravest people I’d ever met. I had missions all over the world, some in combat and some in rescue. I ended up getting pulled to do some special missions, and that was where I met the man who’s now my boss. When he got out of the military, he started his own security agency. Lighthouse Security and Investigations. He pulled some of us from the SEALs, Deltas, Rangers, Special Forces, and Special Ops. Brought us together, and now we work privately.”
“Lighthouse? Is that why you have a tattoo of a lighthouse?”
He chuckled. “Yeah…gotta admit I’ve never loved it as much as when your fingers traced over it the night we spent together.”
Smiling, she blushed, and he hoped she remembered everything about that night. He reached behind him and grabbed the back of his shirt, jerking it over his head. “It’s got a tracer embedded underneath the light,” he said, turning so she had a better view.
Eyes wide, her mouth dropped open as she leaned forward to take a closer look, her finger once more moving over the lines of the lighthouse. “What does this say?”
“It’s Latin…Tempestate Timere…a loose translation is Fear the Storm.”
Her brow scrunched as her gaze moved back to his face. “You don’t seem like you fear anything, Blake.”
“Babe…I am the storm.” She blinked and he added, “Others fear us.”
“Wow…I don’t even know what to say to that.” They remained quiet for a moment and then she asked, “What were you doing with the man at the conference? Did he need a bodyguard?”
Chuckling, he dropped his chin. “I gotta admit, some missions are more exciting than others. The man I was with was not under any threat but hired us to provide security nonetheless.”
“And then you got involved in my rescue,” she said softly.
“I volunteered for your rescue. The moment that man put his hands on you, you became my mission.” His declaration was said with his gaze holding hers.
They continued eating in silence for several minutes, then closed the food container tightly. She shifted off the seat, kneeling on the bottom of the boat, and spread out the blanket.
Looking up at him, she said, “You should rest.” He opened his mouth to protest, but she spoke first. “I know, I know. You’re used to all kinds of conditions and sleeping on rocks and eating bugs...or whatever else you did when you were in the military. But right now, we’re safe and hidden. I think you should try to get some rest.”
“Only if you’ll rest with me.” He immediately wondered about the sanity of suggesting she lay next to him.
Her brow scrunched again, and she looked around. “Shouldn’t I keep watch?”
“I think we’ll be fine. The afternoon sun is already beginning to pass over the tree line, casting us in even more shadows. We can get some rest for a little while.”
He set the food container toward the back of the boat and laid down on the blanket. Holding his arms up, she looked at him, her eyes full of doubt for a moment, then shifted her body so that she stretched out on the blanket. Soon, she was tucked next to him.
With her head on his shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around her, the thick green leaves of the trees forming a tent over the top and the gentle sway of the boat, they both soon fell asleep.
Blake had no problem sleeping in the bottom of a hard boat with much of his former military training keeping him battle-ready. He would hear the occasional boat further out in the river passing by while listening to the sounds of the birds in the trees in case they suddenly flew away if someone came near.
What was most distracting was the beautiful woman lying in his arms. He had told her the truth when he said that appearance is what we first notice, and he had certainly noticed her. He could tell from their conversation and her mannerisms that she seemed to think he would think less of her because she was not into athletics. He had also told her the truth when he said that he thought two people should complement each other.
Glancing down at her face, her cheek resting on his chest, he knew he wanted to get to know her even better. He battled the desire to lean over and kiss her. As though she could hear his inner thoughts, her eyes blinked open, and he watched as confusion morphed into awareness. Then, as her gaze settled on his face, he remained perfectly still as she shifted her body half on top of his, now looking down. He held his breath, determined that whatever happened needed to be what she wanted. She was in control.
Her lips curved into a slow smile as her gaze dropped from his eyes down to his mouth. As though in slow motion, she lowered her head until her lips were a breath away from his.
“I’m going to kiss you,” she whispered.
“Thank fuck,” he whispered in return, just before her lips touched his. His arms banded tightly around her back as he shifted her fully on top of his body. He slid his hands up to cup her cheeks, angling her face for maximum contact.
Their tongues tangled, both vying for dominance as they drank each other’s essence. She sucked on his tongue, and his hips lifted, grinding his aching cock against her stomach.
She slid up on her knees and whipped the peasant blouse over her head before placing it underneath his as a pillow. His hands went to the bottom of her tank top, sliding his fingers underneath the material to feel her soft skin. He continued to move his hands upward, dragging the top until it snagged underneath her breasts, then lifted it over the mounds. She reached down to assist and pulled that top off as well.
Moving her hands behind her back to unfasten her bra, she lifted her gaze, looking around. “Do you think anyone can see us?” She nibbled on her bottom, kiss-swollen lip.
He knew they were well hidden but did not want her to be afraid. “No one can see us, but why don’t you leave your bra on.”
Her gaze dropped back to his. “You don’t mind?”
“Sara, I only want to do what you want to do. And I want you comfortable. Babe, we don’t have to do anything.”
Still biting her lip, she grinned and rubbed her core against his cock. “Oh, I know what I want to do. I just don’t want to give anyone a peep show other than you.”
“You need to be on top because you’ll be more comfortable up there. I don’t want your back being abraded on the bottom of this boat. But I also don’t want you afraid. Leave your bra on.”
Nodding, she bent forward and took his lips in a searing kiss once more. Rolling off of him, she shimmied out of her pants, then hesitated once more.
His hand stilled her movements, and he said, “Leave your panties on, babe. We can make this work.”
“Are you sure?”
His smile spread across his face as his eyes lit. “ and me together...we can make anything work.”
Drunk off his kisses, Sara gave in to the craziness of their situation and the longing she felt deep inside. She glanced around, and with the cover of tree limbs dipping into the water, she could not see out into the river and knew no one could see them.
Changing her mind, she slid her panties down her legs while he shimmied out of his pants, she settled her body back over his, straddling his hips, nestling her soft core against his thick cock. It took a few moments for her to get used to the rocking of the boat with every movement they made, but as she leaned fo
rward and balanced her weight on her hands that were pressed to the bottom of the boat on either side of his shoulders, she quickly adapted.
For a moment, she was mesmerized by the man lying under her. Thick, dark hair trimmed close. Deep-set eyes that bored into hers. And that luscious mouth. It should be a sin for a man to have a mouth that perfect.
His hands had been gripping her hips but now slid up and palmed her breasts through her bra. No longer feeling modest, she gave in to the sensations moving through her and shifted so that she could pull her bra cups down, exposing her breasts to his hands.
He opened his mouth to protest, but she gave a slight shake of her head before bending once more and latching onto his lips. Silencing his concerns with her tongue in his mouth, she swallowed his groans.
The desire for friction snaked through her, and she began rocking gently, the thick black hair at the base of his cock teasing and tantalizing her core. Sliding down his legs, she kissed her way from his jaw to his neck to his pecs, flicking her tongue over his nipples, grinning as his hands gripped her upper arms tighter.
Glad that the pirogue was a longboat, she continued sliding to where she was straddling his ankles. Continuing to kiss down his body, she slipped her moist lips around the tip of his cock. Moving him deeper into her mouth, she bobbed up and down, licking and sucking, alternating between fast and slow. Offering enough suction to have his fingers grip tightly into her hair, she held on as his hips bucked upward.
She continued her ministrations until finally he forced her head up and groaned, “Please, I need you now.”
Scrambling forward, causing the boat to rock, she lost her balance and landed flat on top of him, sending a grunt from his lips. “Sorry,” she mumbled as she regained her balance and straddled his hips.
His hand left her arm and began fumbling around. She looked down in confusion. “What are you looking for?”
“My pocket. There’s another condom in my wallet.”
With a little room to maneuver in the narrow boat, she managed to scoot down again, get to his pants pocket near his feet, and pull out his wallet. Finding the condom, she replaced the wallet and then, with the boat wobbling side to side, made it back up to his hips.
The ridiculousness of their efforts caused a giggle to slip out, and she looked down to see him staring at her, brow lowered.
“Don’t be grumpy,” she admonished. “You have to admit it’s kind of funny.”
She watched as his forehead relaxed, and his lips began to quirk, eliciting another giggle from her. Ripping open the package, she rolled the condom over his impressive erection, eliciting another groan from him as his fingers clutched her ass.
Working to keep the boat from rocking back and forth too much, she lifted up, centered her sex over his cock, and slowly lowered her body, sheathing him. Her body stretched to accommodate him, and as soon as she was fully seated, she lifted up, her inner muscles dragging against the condom, creating the friction she desired.
Continuing to move up and down, it took a few minutes to get the rhythm with the rocking boat working in tandem with her own movements. But soon, all thoughts of the boat in the river and their escape left her mind as she focused solely on the man underneath her, filling her.
She dropped her gaze to his face, finding his eyes pinned on hers. She remembered their passion a few nights ago and how he was the first man to keep his eyes open and on her as their bodies joined. At the time, it made her feel self-conscious, but now, his utter focus on her made her feel safe. Protected. Even treasured.
She tried to shake that last word out of her mind, knowing this was sex, not making love. But with the look in his eyes, it was hard not to imagine that there was true emotion and not just a physical connection.
Her arms were beginning to ache slightly from the force of balancing on the rocking boat, and he lifted her hips, taking over as he pistoned up and down, his cock pounding into her. The friction increased, and so did the electricity zinging from her core to the rest of her body. The coil deep inside tightened until she thought she would go mad with longing for the release. With his hands still on her hips, he slid one forward so that his thumb was pressing on her clit.
As though her body had been waiting for that one sensation, her release came, rushing over her, every muscle in her body quivering. Her arms felt like rubber, and she battled against the desire to collapse on top of him.
Continuing to hold herself up, she watched his face straining as his eyes dropped to her naked breasts, bouncing only slightly with her bra still holding them in place even though the cups had been jerked down. Moving slightly, she leaned in at an angle that brought her nipples closer to his face. He grinned just before he pulled one deep into his mouth.
He sucked one tight bud and then the other before he dropped his head back and groaned. His face was red, his neck was tight with corded muscles, but he kept his eyes pinned on hers as his orgasm pulsated into her.
Finally, with both of them spent, she dropped down onto his chest, sprawled completely over his body. His hands, which had squeezed her ass tightly, now loosened, and his arms held her tight as his fingers smoothed up and down her back.
The boat continued to rock, both with the effects of their movements and the water floating by. They lay, clinging together for long moments, breathing each other in as their hearts pounded erratically.
She had no idea how much time had passed but lifted her head and peered down into his face. “Wow.” He chuckled, and with her laying on his chest, she felt as well as heard the sound.
“As much as I don’t want to move, babe,” he said, “I need to get rid of the condom.”
She lifted slowly, allowing him to slip from her body. While he sat up and pulled off the condom, she pulled her bra cups back over her breasts and wiggled around to slip her panties on.
As he pulled up his boxers and pants and she continued to squirm in an effort to get her capris back on, the boat rocked precariously from side to side, causing them both to laugh.
She ended up on her back with him looming over top of her. Blake grinned as he asked, “Was that the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?”
Her smile slipped ever so slightly, suddenly wondering about all the women he had probably slept with, all the places he had done so, and if it was a common occurrence on the missions he took.
For a second, she thought about being cavalier, but that had never been her style. She pulled her lips between her teeth for a moment, then admitted, “Yeah. I’ve never done anything like that before.”
He settled next to her side, his head propped up on his hand with his other arm draped across her waist. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly. “Me too.”
She looked at him, unable to hide the shock on her face. “Seriously?”
Nodding, he said, “I never slept with anyone on a mission before. Never wanted to. And while I’m not exactly a choir boy, I’m pretty picky with who I sleep with.” Holding her gaze, he added, “You’re a first, in a lot of ways.”
Unable to keep the grin from curving her lips, she quipped, “I’m glad. It’s nice to be memorable.”
He kissed her again, mumbling against her lips. “Oh, you’re memorable, Sara. Absolutely, positively, one-of-a-kind special.”
As the afternoon sun moved across the sky, they lay together in the bottom of the boat, arms around each other, her head resting on his chest.
While Sara lay snoozing in his arms, Blake’s mind raced. Not with the mission. Not with planning the next step. But completely on the woman whose head was resting over his heart. When he told her she was special, he meant that in every sense of the word. Awed by her resiliency and strength. Impressed with her survival instincts. The desire to care for and comfort her coursed through him.
Sex with her had been amazing. He had never planned on them having sex during the mission, and certainly not in the boat. In fact, he had never planned on kissing her while they were still on the mission, but he was finding
it increasingly hard to think of her as only a mission.
He felt her gentle puffs of air on his chest as she slept and knew he wanted more of her. More of her laughter and teasing. More of her smile. More of her body. More of everything. He had no idea how they would be able to stay in each other’s lives when the mission was over, but he was determined to find a way...if she wants.
That last thought gave him pause. But everything she had indicated was that she felt something for him as well. But is it enough? When the danger is over, and the mission has ended will what we shared be enough?
Unable to answer his questions, he forced those thoughts from his mind. Shifting slightly, he checked the time and determined they needed to make preparations to continue up the river.
Nudging her gently, he called her name as he gently shook her shoulder. “Sara, Sara.”
Her eyes blinked open and then she startled. With her hand against his chest, she pressed down as she sat up quickly, causing him to grunt.
“Wh...what is it?” She continued to blink as she looked from side to side before dropping her gaze back to him.
The white kerchief had fallen off her braid, and strands of wavy red hair were blowing wildly about her face. Her cheeks were pink with sunburn, and her blue eyes were impossibly wide as her gaze landed on him. She was utterly adorable, and he sat up next to her, grinning.
He kissed her lightly. “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just time for us to head out.” He watched as it took another moment for her to wipe the sleep from her eyes, then look around to see what needed to be done. She tugged on the peasant blouse over her tank top again, slid her feet into the shoes he had provided, and wrapped her red hair back in the scarf.
He started to crawl out of the boat to untie the rope when she called out.