Coming Home: Baytown Boys Series Read online

Page 9

  Just like the morning with Thomas, she stood with one hand on the doorframe and the other still on the doorknob, blocking the path. “What do you want, Vanessa? Surely, you know you’re not welcome here.”

  Immediately dropping her fake smile, Vanessa bit out, “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”


  “Tori, this was my grandmother’s house also, you know.”

  “One you only visited when mom made you come here and one you never visited after you left high school. Not even when grandma was sick.”

  Her botoxed lips twisted in an ugly grimace, Vanessa tapped her foot in irritation. “Look, I just wanted to come visit my sister. You know, let bygones be bygones. I don’t understand why you’re hanging on to the past.”

  “Maybe because when you slept with my husband, you stopped being my sister. So, you can turn right around and go back to your new husband and leave my property.”

  “This was our grandmother’s property. She should have never left it to just you. I should be part owner.”

  Angry heat scorched Tori as she stared incredulously at Vanessa. “How dare you try to intimate you are owed something. Grandma left this place, in its entirety, to me. Only me. I’m so done with unwanted visitors today. Between you and Thomas showing up, I’m done. Get off my property and don’t come back!”

  Ignoring the warning, Vanessa looked genuinely shocked. “Thomas was here? What did he want?”

  “Don’t know, don’t care.”

  Tori watched as her sister’s face grew thoughtful, but interrupted her before she had a chance to speak. “Leave, Vanessa. You can’t come in and we have nothing to say to each other.”

  Closing the door in her face, she leaned against the polished, heavy wood, her heart pounding. Thomas…and now Vanessa? What the hell is going on? Peeking around the door, she observed her sister stomping down the front steps and moving toward her car. Breathing deeply, she glanced at her watch. I wonder if Katelyn’s at the bar? I need a friend…and a drink!

  Before she left the Inn, she placed a call to her grandmother’s lawyer. “Mr. Benfield, it’s Tori Bradford. I know it’s getting late in the day but my sister just showed up and I’m pretty sure she’s getting ready to contest the will.”

  “I assure you, Miss Tori, your grandmother’s will is rock solid. She made the will many years ago and it did not change. It always had you inheriting the Inn and the property. What she left to Vanessa was cash and some bonds. So, even if your sister has gone through that money, she cannot lay her hands on the Inn.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she apologized for bothering him, receiving his assurance that she was in no trouble at all. Vanessa and Thomas…coming the same day. But Vanessa seemed truly surprised that Thomas had been here. So what’s going on?

  The Dumfries walked through the side door, greeting her as they made their way up the stairs, coming in from a day of sightseeing.

  Calling out to them, she said, “I’m heading out to see some friends. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast. Oh, and by the way, I have a nice blueberry cobbler in the dining room if you would like some.” Catching the gleam in Mr. Dumfries’ eyes, she smiled.

  Taking the stairs two at a time up to her room, she quickly changed and ran a brush through her hair before heading out.


  “How dare that skank and your asshole ex show up! And on the same day!” Katelyn yelled, earning a glare from Brogan.

  He walked over, looking at Tori and said, “You have any problem with them, you let me know.”

  Before she could answer, Jillian came blowing into Finn’s, yelling, “I can’t believe this shit!”

  Katelyn just shrugged when she caught Tori’s raised eyebrows. “Hey, she needed to know also.”

  Aiden, having finished serving some beers to a group in the back, sauntered up, throwing his arm around Tori. “Babe, either of them try to come in here, I’ll kick both their asses.”

  Giggling, Tori smiled looking at the group. Before she could thank him, the door slammed open and Mitch’s large frame filled the doorway. As soon as her eyes landed on him, her heart began to pound. From his booted feet, up to his khaki pants covering his thick thighs, to his BPD black polo straining to contain his muscular arms as they crossed in front of him, ending at his strong jaw and glaring eyes…glaring eyes? Jolted out of her admiring perusal, she realized the man standing in front of her was pissed.

  Opening her mouth to speak, Mitch crossed the floor reaching her side in a few steps. Before she could greet him, he said, “Your sister show up?”


  “Easy question, Tori. Yes or no.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she said, “Now just hold on a minu—”

  “Did your sister show her face at your inn today?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “You didn’t call me,” he stated. “Had my phone with me all day but got no call.”

  “Mitch, stop being so alpha,” Tori groused. “Why on earth would I call you just because my sister came by? I didn’t let her in. I didn’t let her talk to me. What I did do was call my grandmother’s lawyer to make sure Vanessa can’t try to get her claws on the Sea Glass Inn. So, I handled it!” she huffed.

  At that, the group grew silent and she looked around at the stunned faces of her friends. “Wh…what?” she asked.

  “Vanessa wants to get her hands on the Inn?” Jillian asked, wide eyed.

  “No, no,” Tori rushed. “Mr. Benfield assures me that the inn is mine completely and there’s no way she can contest the will.”

  “But she wants it?” Mitch growled beside her.

  Glancing at the angry expressions she nodded slowly. “Well, she said it wasn’t fair, but she got money and bonds from grandma.” Placing her hand on Mitch’s arm, feeling the tense muscles underneath her fingertips, she said, “It’s okay. Really.”

  “You shouldn’t have to be in the presence of either of those snakes,” he said, “much less both in one day. And I expect to get a call the next time someone…anyone…shows up that you don’t want to deal with.”

  “Mitch,” she began softly, unwilling to let their friends hear her uncertainty, but before she could continue, he stepped in closer.

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, he pulled her in and kissed her forehead. “I told you that we were friends but that I also wanted to take this as far as we can. I’m not willing to ignore what we have. My friends know how much you meant to me years ago and what we’re starting now.”

  Nervously glancing to the side, she saw the grins from the group around. Sliding her gaze back to his, she smiled as he kissed her lips. Soft. And full of promises of more kisses to come.

  Pulling back, he said, “You are a completely capable woman, running your own business, but babe, I do not want you dealing with either of those two. They’re poisonous. So you call me if they so much as wave in your direction. Got it?”

  Nodding, she said, “Okay, but I have a feeling they both left town as soon as they didn’t get from me whatever they wanted to get.”

  An hour later, after relaxing fun and drinks with friends, Mitch walked Tori back to the inn. Accepting her invitation in, they made their way up the back stairs to her room. Slightly tipsy, she immediately moved into his body as soon as the door was closed. Pressing herself against his hard body, she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him down to continue the kiss he started in the bar.

  He let her take the lead, not minding the feel of her hands in his hair, her lips moving over his, or her body pressed against his. Enveloping her in his embrace, he angled his head for better access to her warmth as her tongue flicked out and licked his lips.

  Feeling the jolt straight to his dick, he fought the urge to grind his erection against her soft curves. Taking over with one hand sliding up to cup the back of her head, the other hand slipped down to grip her ass.

  It had been a while since he had been with a woman, not wanting to start
something in Charlestown when he knew he was moving, and random sex with a stranger had never held much appeal. But this? Perfection.

  With their bodies clinging to each other’s, pressed from knees to lips, he walked her backward until her legs hit the mattress.

  The thought shot through Tori’s mind that things seemed easier in her romance novels as they fell backward on the bed, their legs slipping on the floor and his body landing with somewhat of a thump on top of hers. Her breath left her in a whoosh and their lips separated as his head moved higher.

  He rolled slightly to the side so she could catch her breath and then they both scrambled to scoot farther up onto the bed. Finally, just as she was giggling nervously, their lips met again and the kiss once more ratcheted to white hot.

  She felt the slight abrasion of his beard compared to the strong, silkiness of his lips. His tongue slipped into her warmth and she groaned at the sensations tingling throughout her body. As her body began to spark, she realized this kiss was more than what she had ever felt. She had been kissed before…but this was a KISS.

  Mitch, keeping his weight off her by lying partially to her side, allowed his hand to roam reverently from her jaw, over her shoulder and around to her breast. The full mound beckoned and he rolled her nipple, puckered underneath her bra. His cock was now painfully pressed against his zipper and he needed to arrange himself for more comfort. Hell, the only comfort would be to come, buried deep inside of her.

  As much as that image threatened to overtake all other thoughts, he tamped it down, slowing the kiss. He glided his hand away from her breast and back to her shoulder as he tapered the kiss.

  Ending with a few nibbles on the corner of her mouth, he leaned back, gazing down into her lust-filled eyes. Seeing the question forming in her gaze, he said, “I want this. You were the first girl I ever wanted this with when I was younger. But I respected you then…and I’ll respect you now.”


  Kissing her objections away, he continued, “This is going to happen, babe. But at the right time. I want you sure. I want you to be completely sure…because Tori, when I claim you, there’s no going back. You’ll be mine. So it’s gotta be right.”

  She lifted her hand to cup his face, rubbing her thumb over his stubbled jaw. Sucking in a deep breath, she let it out slowly before speaking. “I know what I want. What I’ve always wanted. But you making sure it’s right means a lot to me. I’ve never had someone put me first. So as hard as it is to resist you…and as much as I want to jump you right now—”

  His bark of laughter interrupted, and his smile remained as she finished, “I agree. We’ll make sure it’s perfect.”

  Kissing her one last time, he moved off the bed, pulling her with him. “Come lock up behind me so I’ll be able to sleep knowing you’re safe while having sweet dreams.”


  Tori was awoken at two a.m. by screaming in her intercom.

  “My husband, my husband! He’s not breathing!”

  Stumbling out of bed, Tori grabbed her robe and ran down the connecting stairs to the second floor, racing into the hall. The call came from the Dumfries in the Blue room and the door was open as she careened around the corner, seeing Mrs. Dumfries being consoled by Mrs. Tolliver from the Green room. Racing into the Blue room, she recognized Mr. Dumfries prone on the bed, not moving. Not breathing. And what appeared to be blue vomit around his mouth.

  Grabbing her phone, she dialed 911.

  “Emergency at the Sea Glass Inn,” she cried, trying to still her erratically beating heart. “Yes, yes. One of the guests. He’s not breathing.”

  Handing the phone to Mr. Tolliver standing in the hall, she said, “They say to stay on the line. I’ll go let them in.” Racing downstairs, she glanced into the dining room on her way to the front door. Half of the blueberry cobbler was gone.

  Chapter 11

  The ambulance and fire truck pulled into the drive of the Inn and Zac alighted first. Grateful it was someone she knew, she began babbling immediately.

  “I don’t know what happened. His wife found him and called me and I went running in and then I—”

  “Slow down, slow down,” Zac said. “Just show me where to go, then I want you to call Mitch.”

  “Mitch? But I—”

  “Honey, call Mitch now.”

  Leading Zac and his partner up the stairs, she hustled the other guests back to their rooms. “I know you all are concerned, but please give the rescue workers some room.” Turning, she was halfway down the stairs with her phone in her hand, dialing Mitch, when he came through the front door, a female police officer by his side.

  “Oh, Mitch—umph,”

  Her words were cut off as he slammed into her body, wrapping his arms around her. He felt her quivering, and held her for a few seconds before pulling back to peer down into her face. Her wide, blue eyes registered shock as they searched his.

  “Mitch,” came the soft voice of the police officer next to him and, as much as he hated it, he knew he needed to let her go. Pulling back he glanced down, seeing her long legs barely covered by her sleep shorts, her breasts outlined perfectly in a pink camisole and her silk robe hanging open. Grabbing the edges of the robe, he pulled them together and tied the belt again.

  “Tori, stay down here. Fix a cup of tea for yourself and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  With those simple instructions, she watched as he and the other police officer jogged up the stairs. Staring numbly after them for several minutes, she jolted when another person showed up at the door. Opening it, she was surprised to see Dr. Warren, one of the two medical doctors in the town.

  “Doctor?” she asked hopefully, thinking that his presence must surely mean that Mr. Dumfries had revived.

  “Miss Bradford,” he replied congenially, stepping into the house. “Can you show me the body?”

  “B…body?” she stammered. “Uh…”

  His kind face relaxed slightly as he said, “Is he upstairs?”


  Just then the female police officer appeared at the top of the stairs and called out, “Up here, Doc.”

  He patted Tori’s arm as he passed her by and jogged up the stairs. Ignoring Mitch’s instructions, she followed the doctor.

  Standing outside the doorway, she listened to him ask, “What have we got?”

  “Male, sixty-two years old. Wife noticed husband was not breathing when she got up to go to the bathroom. She takes sleeping pills and had not heard anything even though it appears he had thrown up. His skin is pink and the wife claims they had not been in the sun much today. Also, the odor…”

  Tori leaned closer to the door to try to hear what was being said, but several voices chimed in making it impossible to discern clearly.

  Inside the room, Mitch observed as Dr. Warren proceeded with his initial examination. “I’d say he’s been dead less than an hour. Can’t tell much from his skin color, since there is the possibility that he had been in the sun. But the smell,” he stood and looked over at Mitch. “Could definitely be poison. I’d say you need to treat this place as a possible crime scene until I can do an autopsy.” Looking over at Ginny, he said, “And you’d better bag up the food.”

  Mitch rubbed his hand over his face in frustration even as he nodded to Ginny. “Call in Grant and Sam to assist. We’ll have to talk to all the guests and get food samples of what he ate. I’ll talk to Tori first and then join you in interviews.”

  “Mitch,” Ginny said, gaining his attention. “Should you be the one to interview Ms. Bradford?”

  Irritation shot over Mitch, but he knew she was right. “I just want to tell her what’s happening and then I’ll have you interview her.”

  Stepping out of the room, he turned quickly and slammed into Tori. “What the hell are you doing up here?” Seeing the shock on her face, he softened his voice. “We need to go back downstairs.” Looking at the other guests standing in their doorways, he announced, “Mr. Dumfries has died an
d we’ll need to interview all of you, so that we have our facts straight.”

  “I thought I heard you say something about poison,” one of the guests said. “We’ve all been eating food here, so I want to know what happened.”

  “Poison!” shrieked another guest.

  Tori’s heart pounded as she watched the other guests begin clamoring for explanations.

  “I’m getting out of here.”

  “Get dressed honey, we’ll go check into a hotel.”

  “How do we know what he ate?”

  “Quiet,” Mitch shouted, hushing the others. “Calm down. At this time, we have yet to determine cause of death. You will remain here until we can interview everyone.” Turning, he grabbed Tori’s arm and escorted her down the stairs with him.

  At the bottom, she looked up at him reproachfully. “You’re hurting me,” she accused.

  He immediately dropped her arm. “Shit, I’m sorry, babe. Okay, listen, I need you to get dressed. I’ve got more officers coming over. We’ve got to interview the occupants of the inn and we’ve got to bag up any possible food that he may have eaten.”

  Sucking in her breath quickly, she cried, “Oh, my God. He was poisoned?”

  “Babe, we don’t know that, but the medical examiner has suspicions and until they can be proved or disproved by the autopsy, we have to assume the worst and be prepared.”

  They were interrupted by a flurry of more activity as Grant and Sam arrived while Zac and his partner were bringing Mr. Dumfries’ body down the stairs on a stretcher. Mitch squeezed her hand and regretfully walked away. He had work to do and the sooner he got the scene processed, the sooner he could get back to Tori.


  The sun had risen in the Eastern sky by the time the police left the inn. Tori had slipped back to her room a few hours earlier to dress in capris and a t-shirt, running a brush through her hair and pulling it back into a ponytail. As she stared at her reflection, she was stunned at the events of the previous day. First, Thomas appearing out of nowhere wanting to talk…then Vanessa coming by to imply that she wanted a stake in the inn…then one of her guests was possibly poisoned and had died. If there were ever a contest for suckiest day of the year, this would win.


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